Tuesday, April 17, 2018

My Holidays

The best time of the year

Every year I spent with my family two or one week for holidays, unfortunately, I have never traveled to another country, but for me, it is not a problem because I explore Chile every year with my family. Chile is a really large country, that means that you will find different weather, culture, food, and places along the big chili pepper. I have traveled to the coast of Chile, the north and the south, and every place has his own magic. My favorite so far is definitive the South, it is wonderful place full of magic and peace. In the South you will find lakes, waterfalls, cows and nice people who make the best food in the world.
Resultado de imagen para lago ranco
My last trip was to Ranco Lake, It was fantastic and everything was so peaceful. It is always raining and the weather is freezing, so my family and I were always full of clothes. You can't see the stars here in Santiago, but in Ranco lake, the sky was a sea of them. I will never forget those holidays; they were one of the best moments in my life.


  1. I've been in Futrono and it's very beautiful, I like the rainy days there

  2. Those raining days in the lake must have been wonderfull

  3. I really want to visit the south, specially the magallanes region !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love rainy days and i would like to go to Ranco Lake to take photos of the nature.


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